
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Happy Potty Training and Happy Holidays to all... Visiting Family :) and Potty Accidents :(

Happy Holidays All,

It's been a busy, somewhat stressful time for us as I am sure it is for everyone. Holidays usually are lol.. but what I noticed these holidays is how it's affecting the children. Children handle stressful times in different ways and it can negatively effect their development, especially potty training, which we seem to constantly be dealing with.


Potty training is an ongoing endeavor even after you think they are trained. Now it is possible to get your toddler potty trained in a few days but there may be accidents, change in environment or just stressful times that may make them regress a little bit. Holiday time seems to be one of those stressful times.

We went to visit the grandparents for Thanksgiving and my 4 year old son; even though he loves it there and had a great time and has been fully potty trained with no accidents since he was 2; he didn't seem to sleep well in they're spare bed and had nighttime potty accidents 3 times. These accidents can be added stress especially when your already right in the middle of potty training a 2 year old girl(my daughter is also potty training lol..).

BUT this is the best way to handle nighttime potty training accidents and regression...
  • When you realize there was an accident show you child it's not a big deal, because this was an accident they may feel ashamed or embarrassed
  • No scolding or punishing because this may make them more nervous or scared to try and fix it
  • Talk to them a little about how and why they should work on this by:
    1. No drinking much before bed
    2. Going potty in the toilet before bed
    3. Trying to get up in the middle of the night to go potty in the toilet(this will definitely depend on if you feel you child is old enough or mature enough)
    4. Going potty as soon as they wake up so they get used to only going when they wake up (bladder control)
By staying consistent with this my son stopped having accidents after the third night and got up early in the morning to go potty. We were so proud of him and had a little celebration that morning.

We hope these tips and our journey helps you guys with your own potty training journey...
We learned most of these methods from this easy to follow guide; helped us potty train all 3 of our kids in a matter of days including our 2 year old right now...

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Program Review: Children Learning Reading

Is the development and education of your child important to you? And have you been searching for a program that will help you teach your child to read, but spending hundreds of dollars on unproven programs just doesn't make any sense to you? I can understand your frustrations, as I've been through much of the same experiences myself...
Recently I came across a step-by-step program that helps parents to easily teach their children to read. The wonderful thing about this program is that as long as your child is able to speak, it will help you teach your child to read fluently. I had some doubts initially when I saw that the program claimed that even 2 and 3 year old children can be taught to read effectively; however, my doubts were quickly put to rest when I saw their video proofs of small children reading.
The authors of the program, Jim and Elena, had developed their Children Learning Reading program, and then used it to teach their own children to read before turning 3 years old. They showed various clips of their young 2 year 11 months old daughter reading, and I was quite surprised to see how capable their daughter was at reading by the time she was just a little over 3 years old. I did not expect to see small 3 year old children capable of reading children's books! Here's a video for you to see:

Who Is the Program Designed For?
The Children Learning Reading program is designed for parents with young children between the ages of 2 to 6 years old. It is designed to teach toddlers and small children to read effectively. One important thing to keep in mind is that this program is not designed for extremely young children, or children who have not learned to speak yet. However, if your child has learned to speak, then you can use this program to teach your child to read.
The central goal of the Children Learning Reading program is to help your child learn to decode printed text quickly and learn to read fluently through the critical process of developing phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is arguably one of the most important aspects of learning to read, and becoming a fluent reader. Children who lack phonemic awareness typically have reading difficulties, and end up being poor readers. Jim & Elena's Children Learning Reading program is an extremely simple, straight forward, and step-by-step program. Their program includes simple exercises and practices starting with the very first lessons that work to help your child develop phonemic awareness, and learn to read. Clinical studies, and even the National Reading Panel has stated that helping children develop phonemic awareness is one of the most effective ways to teach children to read.
How Does the Children Learning Reading Program Work?
The program is designed to be taught to your child in two stages, and each stage comes with it's own instruction book and step-by-step lessons. Stage 1 helps your child develop all the important foundational skills of learning to read and read fluently, while stage 2 lessons deal with slightly more advanced lessons helping to greatly advance your child's already impressive reading skills developed from stage 1 lessons.
There are 28 lesson in stage one that are smoothly laid out to teach your child starting with the building blocks of reading printed text. The alphabet letters and sounds are introduced to your child in a stepped, sensible, and intuitive order through the 28 lessons. Very simple words and blending exercises are introduced very early on, and more complicated words, sentences, stories, and rhymes are slowly introduced with the lessons as your child progress. By the time you complete stage one lessons with your child, your child will have already developed superb reading skills that sometimes leave you even surprised and amazed.
Once you complete stage one, you can move on to stage 2 lessons, which involve teaching some more complicated matters dealing with reading. There are 22 lessons in stage two. One of the main focus of this stage is teaching your child letter combinations or also known as digraphs. The words, sentences, lesson stories, and rhymes here are more advanced, and work to greatly increase your child's reading skills and reading fluency.
The one thing that really struck a chord with me about this program is that it doesn't force your child to explicitly memorize any phonics rules! Being parents, I'm sure you can imagine how difficult it would be to have toddlers and young children memorize rules to reading! The wonderful thing about Jim & Elena's Children Learning Reading program is that throughout the entire program, your child learns to read, and develops phenomenal reading and decoding skills without memorizing any phonics rules. This is why their program is so effective at teaching children to read.
Another huge plus of this program is that the step-by-step lessons are designed to be quick and effective. Each lesson typically takes no longer than 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and some lessons take just 2 or 3 minutes to complete. As you can imagine, with the short attention span of small children, short lessons like these will be much more effective and productive than long, drawn-out lessons. To teach your child to read, all that you need to do is follow the lessons step-by-step, and spend 5 to 10 minutes each day consistently teaching your child to read. In just 12 short weeks, you will be extremely pleased that you have taken then time and effort to give your child the most important skill in life - reading.
The Children Learning Reading program gets my 100% recommendation.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Potty Training My Baby Girl

My daughter is soon to be 2 years old in December.. my husband and I are so excited to see her go potty all on her own!

All my friends and family have been saying boys are easier to potty train than girls so I guess we'll see. My 2 older boys were tricky in the beginning but with some help, reading and a guide we got them potty trained in just a few days.

Now they were competing and copying each other so that made it simpler but my younger boy did regress a little bit, especially at night. The younger siblings usually do take a little more time learning and adapting but he got the hang of it eventually.

My baby girl is quite a fast learner and is running, talking, and understanding a lot already. But she is scared to death of the toilet. Even when she watched her older brothers go potty by themselves, wipe themselves and get excited and congratulated for going potty she does not want to touch it. We had a toddler potty seat for the boys when they were potty training but got rid of it once they got used to the toilet; plus it got a little nasty after many accidents.

So we are planning to get her a potty seat on her birthday and begin the steps our guide laid out.
Hopefully it's as easy as the boys were...

Wish us luck and check back to see our/her progress!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Trying to Conceive Story

  Hi, this is one of our family tribulations I wanted to share with everyone as it may help many others.

Our journey to create a family began a few years ago when my partner and I decided we wanted to have kids.
I had a pregnancy scare awhile before but when I went to see a doctor I was told I may have Endometriosis; I was devastated.
My husband and I had been talking about kids and getting so excited we decided to keep trying until we got a second opinion. Still no luck. The second doctor I went to said no, it could be a "curved cervix". Still not the news we wanted to hear.

We didn't give up hope.. we kept trying and talked to professionals, counselors, friends and family. We wanted to hear how others with issues were able to get pregnant and what they did to increase their chances.

Curved CervixWe read everything we could find online, in the library, doctor's offices.. you name it.
Things were beginning to look desolate and we were getting desperate.

One day I stumbled on a site that claimed to drastically increase chances of getting pregnant naturally. It provided a guide that stated their holistic and ancient Chinese system of getting pregnant and having healthy children naturally was helping more women than anything else...
Even if: you were in your late 30's or 40's;
             have had infertility problems like tubal obstruction, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids or cysts;
             have had a history of miscarriages;
             your partner has low sperm count;
AND without drugs or procedures!

I was shocked, relieved and ecstatic. My husband and I got the guide, dove in and did everything it said...
3 years and 3 babies later I could never be happier!!!

If your having any issues conceiving, you will not regret trying this guide.
Pregnancy Miracle

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Potty Training Guide & Tips

Potty training has been such a journey for me!
I have 3 kids; ages 1, 2 & 3; and I have been through it all getting my oldest two boys potty trained...

It began six months ago when one day I spent over $100 on diapers and training pants. I decided my boys had to get potty trained once and for all.
I had attempted potty training my oldest once before but he didn't seem ready. With them him showing signs of wanting to use the toilet and being uncomfortable in a pull-up, it seemed now was the time to get both trained. I had also heard potty training siblings at the same time was slightly easier as they copied each other and competed.

When I started I was completely lost.
I tried just talking to both boys and explaining how to use the toilet, that didn't seem to stick.
I began to sit them on the toilet and reward them for trying but soon they outsmarted me and just sat for candy with no "outcome" on the other end.
I even had them run around naked for sometime, but soon realized I got myself into a bigger "mess" going that route... urine drenched carpets and rags, poop smeared floors and halls, and the constant janitorial duty was exhausting and even more frustrating!

After asking friends and family, borrowing books from the library, watching videos on YouTube and reading everything I could online I still didn't see any progress. Everyone and everything had the same advice and tips on reward systems and bare-butt methods...which I was definitely not trying again.
I finally stumbled on a complete potty training guide that had everything you could imagine about potty training. It was like a potty training toy chest. Not only all the tips, guidelines and methods I hadn't tried but sticker charts, games, bonuses and 1-on-1 coaching all geared toward successful potty training.

It was comprehensive and easy to follow and after reading the guide and using the tools provided I had both my boys potty trained in a weekend!! No regression, no more accidents, no more training pants and 2 proud, dry potty trained boys!!!
I am now beginning to potty train my almost 2 year old girl early and thought what better way to help family, friends and other parents than to share my success and the guide that saved me with everyone through my blog!

Check it out if you are potty training your kids:

Start Potty Training

start potty training